Procom is a project that has risen from a world of personal pains and the desire to live in a smarter and much more controlled environment. Being able to fully adhere to the current home automation era, we have decided to launch a range of products that do not need any specialized suite of elements to make it work. This realization was achieved when we performed months of market research and always found some limitation in the products being offered in the market currently.

Therefore, instead of creating smart appliances, we decided to go universal in our pursuit to provide smart home experience and worked on the root. You will be able to turn any ordinary device into a smart device that adheres to all the standards of home automation and the Internet of things age.

Procom providing a complete range of products for automation is the end goal that has driven us to produce the Procom product line. Every single product was designed to ensure that we provide you with the solutions that no other brand is currently providing.

It is the merging of utility with quality that has been our hallmark since we initiated this project and our future goals are focused on building on that same energy and devotion. By providing the ultimate suite of home automation at an affordable price with the Procom smart products, we intend to help you take your space into the smart space age that we all have longed to be a part of for so long.

Meet the Team

We have a strong team at helm.

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Krishna K Kothapalli


An experienced professional and an alumnus of ISB-Hyderabad with specialization in Strategic Planning, Product Management, and Development. He's doing everything for Procom Automation to establish it as the industry leader in the domain of IoT. Over his two decade career, he worked in technology, design, learning, management and strategic roles.

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Product Leader

Passionate about improving quality of product innovation & collaboration. Innovative thinker with experience in design thinking, product design & management, solution architecture, requirement analysis, intellectual property creation, people management, pre-sales & quality assurance.